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  • Alban Crequy's avatar
    CVE-2014-3477: deliver activation errors correctly, fixing Denial of Service · 24c59070
    Alban Crequy authored
    How it should work:
    When a D-Bus message activates a service, LSMs (SELinux or AppArmor) check
    whether the message can be delivered after the service has been activated. The
    service is considered activated when its well-known name is requested with
    org.freedesktop.DBus.RequestName. When the message delivery is denied, the
    service stays activated but should not receive the activating message (the
    message which triggered the activation). dbus-daemon is supposed to drop the
    activating message and reply to the sender with a D-Bus error message.
    However, it does not work as expected:
    1. The error message is delivered to the service instead of being delivered to
       the sender. As an example, the error message could be something like:
         An SELinux policy prevents this sender from sending this
         message to this recipient, [...] member="MaliciousMethod"
       If the sender and the service are malicious confederates and agree on a
       protocol to insert information in the member name, the sender can leak
       information to the service, even though the LSM attempted to block the
       communication between the sender and the service.
    2. The error message is delivered as a reply to the RequestName call from
       service. It means the activated service will believe it cannot request the
       name and might exit. The sender could activate the service frequently and
       systemd will give up activating it. Thus the denial of service.
    The following changes fix the bug:
    - bus_activation_send_pending_auto_activation_messages() only returns an error
      in case of OOM. The prototype is changed to return TRUE, or FALSE on OOM
      (and its only caller sets the OOM error).
    - When a client is not allowed to talk to the service, a D-Bus error message
      is pre-allocated to be delivered to the client as part of the transaction.
      The error is not propagated to the caller so RequestName will not fail
      (except on OOM).
    [fixed a misleading comment -smcv]
    Reviewed-by: default avatarSimon McVittie <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarColin Walters <>