speculative generality in message (de)marshalling increases complexity
Submitted by Simon McVittie
Assigned to D-Bus Maintainers
DBusTypeReader and DBusTypeWriter have some rather questionable functionality:
_dbus_type_reader_set_basic and _dbus_type_reader_delete allow a reader to be used for writing (!), used to edit header fields
DBusTypeWriter operates in terms of insertion, not appending, even though DBusMessage is append-only; as a result, it needs to be able to cope with realigning arbitrary types in arbitrary positions (even within an array!), which accounts for a large proportion of the complexity of marshal-recursive
when editing a message's header, the same very general code is used to realign all header fields after the insertion/deletion point, even though header fields are all already 8-byte-aligned due to being structs
even if we didn't realign, inserting or deleting in the middle of the header requires at least a memmove()
Here is a concrete proposal to simplify this:
Generalize dbus_write_*_two to take a (D-Bus abstraction representing a) struct iovec[] (I have a work-in-progress branch which adds DBusWriteVector, which is basically a struct iovec[] plus a count of bytes written so far)
If the platform is sufficiently rubbish that it doesn't have either sendmsg() or writev(), it can use a slow path involving repeated write() (Google suggests that on Windows we could use WSASend(), which is basically writev() NIH'd)
Stop viewing the message header as type (yyyyuua(uv)), and start viewing it as a 16-byte blob (yyyyuuu) (where the last u is really the length field for the a(uv), updated in the same sort of way as the body length), followed by some separate (uv) structs
Store each (uv) as a (string, start, len) tuple, where either:
the string is the original header string, edited fields are appended, and the fields they replaced are just not included in the struct iovec[]
the string is either the original header string, or (for edited fields) a second string used as scratch space
the string is either the original header string, or one extra string per edited field
Write messages into sockets by using scatter-gather I/O, with a struct iovec[n + 2] pointing to the 16-byte fixed part, the n header fields, and the body
Read messages into a single DBusString per header as we do now, and let all the header-field tuples point into that string
Delete all the code that requires realigning and be happy
Version: 1.5