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  • Alexander Larsson's avatar
    2003-04-10 Alexander Larsson <> · e84c3a03
    Alexander Larsson authored
    	* dbus/dbus-marshal.[ch]:
    	Add array_type_pos argument to _dbus_marshal_validate_arg.
    	Let you pass a NULL end_pos to _dbus_marshal_validate_type.
    	* dbus/dbus-message.[ch]:
    	Multi-dimensional arrays have full type specification in the
    	outermost array. Iter code re-arranged to handle this.
    	Added some more iter tests.
    	* doc/dbus-specification.sgml:
    	Add me to authors.
    	Remove old FIXME.
    	Update new array encoding description.
    	* test/data/invalid-messages/array-with-mixed-types.message:
    	* test/data/valid-messages/array-of-array-of-uint32.message:
    	Change to the new array format.
    	* test/data/invalid-messages/too-short-dict.message:
    	Fix bug in test.
    	* test/data/valid-messages/recursive-types.message:
    	Fix up and extend test.