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  • Havoc Pennington's avatar
    voc Pennington <> · 8027efc9
    Havoc Pennington authored
    	* dbus/dbus-server.c (dbus_server_listen): change how this works
    	to be able to delegate to a set of handlers that can succeed,
    	fail, or choose not to handle. Allows us to have
    	* dbus/dbus-server-socket.c (_dbus_server_new_for_tcp_socket):
    	factor out the tcp socket stuff to be used on windows, leaving
    	unix domain socket only in dbus-socket-unix.c
    	* dbus/dbus-transport-socket.c
    	(_dbus_transport_new_for_tcp_socket): factor out the tcp socket
    	stuff to be used on windows, leaving unix domain socket only
    	in dbus-transport-unix.c
    	* dbus/dbus-connection.c (dbus_connection_get_unix_user): insert
    	temporary hack to be sure this fails on windows
    	(dbus_connection_get_unix_process_id): ditto