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  • Jon Trowbridge's avatar
    2004-08-30 Jon Trowbridge <> · 4a77a2dd
    Jon Trowbridge authored
    	    * mono/BusDriver.cs: Added.  This is a class for interacting with
    	    the org.freedesktop.DBus service.
    	    * mono/Message.cs: Added a mechanism to expose the message that is
    	    currently being dispatched via the static Message.Current
    	    property.  Added Message.Sender and Message.Destination
    	    * mono/Handler.cs: Expose the dispatched message via
    	    Message.Current when handling method calls.
    	    * mono/Service.cs: Expose the dispatched message via
    	    Message.Current when handling signal emissions.
    	    * mono/Connection.cs: Bind dbus_bus_get_base_service via the
    	    Connection.BaseService property.