subsetting multiple instances of a Variation Font fails in PDF output
[cairo 19c15ced]
[pango 239e030e4f38f0b7b899a8a405437601daf2860d]
My test font is NotoSerif[wght].ttf
; the 'wght' range is [400;700], with named font instances at values 400 ('Regular', the default), 500 ('Medium'), 600 ('SemiBold'), and 700 ('Bold').
Now consider this script
pango-view \
--markup \
<span font=\"Noto Serif @wght=$1\">foo</span>
<span font=\"Noto Serif @wght=$2\">foo</span>" \
--output="noto-test-$1-$2.pdf" \
After calling
sh noto-test 400 700
sh noto-test 456 654
I get two PDF files, noto-test-400-700.pdf and noto-test-456-654.pdf. Both files don't contain correctly subsetted VF instances: The first file seems to display wght=400 two times, with slight metrics differences; the second one seems to display correct 'wght' values, however, the metrics are wrong, at least for the thinner instance.