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  • Christian Kellner's avatar
    manager+sysfs: wait for hosts instead of domains · 8be049a5
    Christian Kellner authored
    In the manager's initialization, we want to make sure that we have
    at least one domain controller online in order detect the security
    level. Additionally, now that stale domains are cleaned up on store
    upgrades, we also want to make sure that domain controllers are
    fully initialized and the corresponding BotlDomain is online, so
    that we don't accidentally clean up a non-stale domain. In order
    to do so, we wait for at least one host controller to be present,
    not just the plain domain. For this we enumerate all domains and
    for each domain we enumerate the thunderbolt udev device directly
    beneath it (should only be one).
    Rename and re-purpose the various `count_domains` functions.
    Adapt the test to add host devices to the corresponding domains.