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  • Andres Gomez's avatar
    ci: build the hang-detection tool into x86_test-vk · b090ad57
    Andres Gomez authored
    hang-detection is a vulkan-based lightweight wrapper from
    parallel-deqp-runner that periodically submits empty command buffers
    and waits for their completions. If the completion never happens, the
    GPU is considered hung, the wrapped script is killed, and the job
    should get aborted.
    This should have no negative impact on the runtime of dEQP/traces/...,
    but will allow saving time when the GPU gets hung as we can abort the
    job immediately rather than waiting for the timeout.
    In the case of B2C, we are using this tool's error message as a way to
    trigger the reboot of the test machine and start again.
      - Use hang-detection already with some jobs (Martin).
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAndres Gomez <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarMartin Peres <>
    Part-of: <mesa/mesa!11087>
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