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  • Alejandro Piñeiro's avatar
    nir, glsl: move pixel_center_integer/origin_upper_left to shader_info.fs · 1705a986
    Alejandro Piñeiro authored
    On GLSL that info is set as a layout qualifier when redeclaring
    gl_FragCoord, so somehow tied to a specific variable. But in practice,
    they behave as a global of the shader. On ARB programs they are set
    using a global OPTION (defined at ARB_fragment_coord_conventions), and
    on SPIR-V using ExecutionModes, that are also not tied specifically to
    the builtin.
    This patch moves that info from nir variable and ir variable to nir
    shader and gl_program shader_info respectively, so the map is more
    similar to SPIR-V, and ARB programs, instead of more similar to GLSL.
    FWIW, shader_info.fs already had pixel_center_integer, so this change
    also removes some redundancy. Also, as struct gl_program also includes
    a shader_info, we removed gl_program::OriginUpperLeft and
    PixelCenterInteger, as it would be superfluous.
    This change was needed because recently spirv_to_nir changed the order
    in which execution modes and variables are handled, so the variables
    didn't get the correct values. Now the info is set on the shader
    itself, and we don't need to go back to the builtin variable to set
    Fixes: e68871f6 ("spirv: Handle constants and types before execution
    v2: (Jason)
       * glsl_to_nir: get the info before glsl_to_nir, while all the rest
         of the info gathering is happening
       * prog_to_nir: gather the info on a general info-gathering pass,
         not on variable setup.
    v3: (Jason)
       * Squash with the patch that removes that info from ir variable
       * anv: assert that OriginUpperLeft is true. It should be already
         set by spirv_to_nir.
       * blorp: set origin_upper_left on its core "compile fragment
         shader", not just on some specific places (for this we added an
         helper on a previous patch).
       * prog_to_nir: no need to gather specifically this fragcoord modes
         as the full gl_program shader_info is copied.
       * spirv_to_nir: assert that we are a fragment shader when handling
         this execution modes.
    v4: (reported by failing gitlab pipeline #18750)
       * state_tracker: update too due changes on ir.h/gl_program
       * blorp: minor change after change on previous patch
       * radeonsi: update due this change.