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  • Peter Hutterer's avatar
    dix: add dtrace probes to input API · c0b0a9bc
    Peter Hutterer authored
    For driver debugging, it is helpful to know whether the driver has actually
    submitted an event to the server. dtrace hooks can help here.
    Note that GetPointerEvents and friends may also be triggered by the server
    for other emulated devices, some care must be taken when analysing the
    Additional difficulty: proximity events have a run-time assigned type, so
    this may make automatic detection a tad harder. If in doubt, go for any
    event > 64 since the only two that can have that value are ProximityIn and
    An example systemtap script is below:
      # Compile+run with
      #       stap -g xorg.stp /usr/bin/Xorg
      function print_valuators:string(nvaluators:long, mask_in:long, valuators_in:long) %{
              int i;
              unsigned char *mask = (unsigned char*)THIS->mask_in;
              double *valuators = (double*)THIS->valuators_in;
              char str[128] = {0};
              char *s = str;
      #define BitIsSet(ptr, bit) (((unsigned char*)(ptr))[(bit)>>3] & (1 << ((bit) & 7)))
              s += sprintf(s, "nval: %d ::", (int)THIS->nvaluators);
              for (i = 0; i < THIS->nvaluators; i++)
                      s += sprintf(s, "	%d: ", i);
                      if (BitIsSet(mask, i))
                          s += sprintf(s, "%d", (int)valuators[i]);
              sprintf(THIS->__retvalue, "%s", str);
      probe process(@1).mark("input__event")
          deviceid = $arg1
          type = $arg2
          detail = $arg3
          flags = $arg4
          nvaluators = $arg5
          str = print_valuators(nvaluators, $arg6, $arg7)
          printf("Event: device %d type %d detail %d flags %#x %s\n",
                  deviceid, type, detail, flags, str);
    Signed-off-by: default avatarPeter Hutterer <>
    Acked-by: default avatarJeremy Huddleston <>