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  • Alan Coopersmith's avatar
    Don't require ld -wrap for tests that don't need it · 36670065
    Alan Coopersmith authored
    If configure is generated with xorg-macros 1.16 or later, this allows
    builders to --enable-unit-test and run the tests other than the xi2
    tests which require ld -wrap (and are still wrapped in if HAVE_LD_WRAP
    in tests/xi2/Makefile).  If an older xorg-macros is used, the existing
    behaviour is preserved of requiring ld -wrap for all unit tests, but
    no side effects occur, so the minimum xorg-macros version is not raised.
    If unit testing is enabled without ld -wrap, then we create a bogus
    "xi2-tests" script just to report that we're skipping them.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAlan Coopersmith <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarJeremy Huddleston <>