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Fixes for v6.5-rc4

+ Fix to correct the UBWC programming for decoder version 4.3 seen
  on SM8550
+ Add the missing flush and fetch bits for DMA4 and DMA5 SSPPs.
+ Fix to drop the unused dpu_core_perf_data_bus_id enum from the code
+ Drop the unused dsi_phy_14nm_17mA_regulators from QCM 2290 DSI cfg.

+ Fix warn splat for newer devices without revn
+ Remove name/revn for a690.. we shouldn't be populating these for
  newer devices, for consistency, but it slipped through review
+ Fix a6xx gpu snapshot BINDLESS_DATA size (was listed in bytes
  instead of dwords, causing AHB faults on a6xx gen4/a660-family)
+ Disallow submit with fence id 0