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  • Ole Andre Vadla Ravnaas's avatar
    New plugin for low-latency video capture on Windows (#519935). · c980279f
    Ole Andre Vadla Ravnaas authored
    Original commit message from CVS:
    * sys/
    * sys/winks/
    * sys/winks/gstksclock.c:
    * sys/winks/gstksclock.h:
    * sys/winks/gstksvideodevice.c:
    * sys/winks/gstksvideodevice.h:
    * sys/winks/gstksvideosrc.c:
    * sys/winks/gstksvideosrc.h:
    * sys/winks/kshelpers.c:
    * sys/winks/kshelpers.h:
    * sys/winks/ksvideohelpers.c:
    * sys/winks/ksvideohelpers.h:
    New plugin for low-latency video capture on Windows (#519935).
    Uses Kernel Streaming, the lowest level API for doing video capture
    on Windows (more or less just raw ioctls).
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