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  • Dan Winship's avatar
    vpn: support IPv6 over VPNs · 960c1ae8
    Dan Winship authored
    Add new API to allow passing both IPv4 and IPv6 configuration
    information from VPN plugins to the backend.
    Now instead of a single Ip4Config, a plugin has Config, Ip4Config, and
    Ip6Config. "Config" contains information which is neither IPv4 nor
    IPv6 specific, and also indicates which of Ip4Config and Ip6Config are
    present. Ip4Config now only contains the IPv4-specific bits of
    There is backward compatibility in both directions: if the daemon is
    new and the VPN plugin is old, then NM will notice that the plugin
    emitted the Ip4Config signal without having emitted the Config signal
    first, and so will assume that it is IPv4-only, and that the generic
    bits of configuration have been included with the Ip4Config. If the
    daemon is old and the plugin is new, then NMVPNPlugin will copy the
    values from the generic config into the IPv4 config as well. (In fact,
    NMVPNPlugin *always* does this, because it's harmless, and it's easier
    than actually checking the daemon version.)...