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  • Lubomir Rintel's avatar
    cli: initialize readline before installing the redisplay handler · 05d6c993
    Lubomir Rintel authored
    Otherwise readline decides to initialize terminal handling at the first
    readline call, and if that happens at the point it sees our
    non-echoing rl_redisplay.
    At that point, unless already intialized, readline wrongly convinces itself we
    do our own handling of terminal peculiarities (such as cursor movement, or
    erases).  We do not -- we merely wrap the stock rl_redisplay(), temporarily
    hiding the actual characters.
    The rl_initialize() in nmc_readline_echo()s fixes broken line editing in
    password prompts that weren't preceded a previous non-password prompt.
    The other one is there for consistency only. (I guess we should be
    initializing readline before use anyway; although it seems to initialize
    itself anyway if we fail to do so...)