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  • Thomas Haller's avatar
    core: implement setting MDNS setting for systemd · c03a5349
    Thomas Haller authored
    The connection.mdns setting is a per-connection setting,
    so one might expect that one activated device can only have
    one MDNS setting at a time.
    However, with certain VPN plugins (those that don't have their
    own IP interface, like libreswan), the VPN configuration is merged
    into the configuration of the device. So, in this case, there
    might be multiple settings for one device that must be merged.
    We already have a mechanism for that. It's NMIP4Config. Let NMIP4Config
    track this piece of information. Although, stricitly speaking this
    is not tied to IPv4, the alternative would be to introduce a new
    object to track such data, which would be a tremendous effort
    and more complicated then this.
    Luckily, NMDnsManager and NMDnsPlugin are already equipped to
    handle multiple NMIPConfig instances per device (IPv4 vs. IPv6,
    and Device vs. VPN).
    Also make "connection.mdns" configurable via global defaults in