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  • Beniamino Galvani's avatar
    all: add more meaningful error code for unsupported IP method · aa820e93
    Beniamino Galvani authored
    Add a new device state reason code for unsupported IP method. It is
    returned, for example, when users select manual IP configuration for
    WWAN connections:
     # nmcli connection mod Gsm ipv4.method manual ipv4.address
     # nmcli connection up Gsm
     Error: Connection activation failed: The selected IP method is not
    compared to the old:
     Error: Connection activation failed: IP configuration could not be
     reserved (no available address, timeout, etc.)
    Note that we could instead fail the connection validation if the
    method is not supported by the connection type, but adding such
    limitation now could make existing connections invalid.