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  • Jiří Klimeš's avatar
    cli: changing nmcli output to better fit both computer and human needs · 55949277
    Jiří Klimeš authored
    The output is basically tabular with fields (columns) presenting specific pieces of info.
    Each line represents a single object. It's possible to switch to multiline output using
    '--multiline' option. In that mode single object is presented on more lines - each field
    on its line.
    Terse mode now uses ':' as field separator. It also escapes all occurences of ':' and '\'
    inside field values to ease parsing. The escaping behaviour can be controlled through
    '--escape' option. By default, escaping is switched on in tabular mode. When using terse
    mode ('--terse'), '--fields' option is mandatory for specifying required fields. That helps
    for flexibility and backwards compatibility.
    Not all output is converted yet.