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  • Thomas Haller's avatar
    libnm-util: normalize virtual_iface_name in NMSettings · 2deaa539
    Thomas Haller authored
    Some type-specific NMSetting implementations (bond, bridge, team, vlan)
    have their own 'interface-name' property. This property will be
    deprecated in favour of 'interface-name' in NMSettingConnection.
    Change verify() and normalize() to check that the redundant
    values match and repair/normalize the properties.
    Force the virtual interface name of the type-specific setting to be
    equal to NMSettingConnection:interface_name. This way, the depreacted
    field stays valid and backward compatible.
    NMSettingInfiniband is special, because it does not have a backing
    property for the interface name, although it implements
    get_virtual_iface_name(). To account for this, some special handling
    is needed in order not to change the behaviour of get_virtual_iface_name().
    Signed-off-by: default avatarThomas Haller <>