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  • Thomas Haller's avatar
    device: hash a per-host key for ipv4.dhcp-client-id=stable · d1a94a85
    Thomas Haller authored
    Otherwise, the generated client-id depends purely on the profile's
    stable-id. It means, the same profile (that is, either the same UUID
    or same stable-id) on different hosts will result in identical client-ids.
    That is clearly not desired. Hash a per-host secret-key as well.
    Note, that we don't hash the interface name. So, activating the
    profile on different interfaces, will still yield the same client-id.
    But also note, that commonly a profile is restricted to one device,
    via "connection.interface-name".
    Note that this is a change in behavior. However, "ipv4.dhcp-client-id=stable"
    was only added recently and not yet released.
    Fixes: 62a78639