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device: wait controller's reactivation

Gris Ge requested to merge cathay4t/NetworkManager:fix_ovs_checkpoint into main

When device activation noticed its controller is deactivation due to new activation, current code simply fail the device stage 1 activation with NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON_NONE hoping connection.autoconnect-ports could bring this port up again.

When the controller is configured with connection.autoconnect-ports: false, this action will cause port device never been activated again.

This problem is original found when rolling back a checkpoint with OVS port configured connection.autoconnect-ports: false leaving the OVS system interface remain deactivated after rollback finished.

To fix the problem:

  • Instead of waiting NMActiveConnection to reach ACTIVATING state, we wait NMDevice reach PREPARE state via nm_active_connection_set_controller_dev().

  • It is possible controller NMActiveConnection has no NMDevice attached, so nm_active_connection_set_controller_ac() will hook on signal of state change of controller NMActiveConnection, and invoke nm_active_connection_set_controller_dev() once got controller device.

  • In device stage1, before attaching self to controller, the controller might be deactivated or got new activation, check again whether controller device reach PREPARE state, if not, invoke nm_active_connection_set_controller_dev() or nm_active_connection_set_controller_ac() and wait on signal of NM_ACTIVE_CONNECTION_INT_CONTROLLER_READY


Edited by Gris Ge

Merge request reports
