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  • Wen Liang's avatar
    nm-dhcp-client: add argument controlling whether to get next or current lease · 5993ee8a
    Wen Liang authored
    In the scenario for sending the release message, we need to guarantee
    that NM only sends the release message when the client received a lease
    from the server. However, there is some distinction between the
    `l3cd_curr` and `l3cd_next` when ACD is pending, because `l3cd_curr` is
    NULL but `l3cd_next` is not NULL when ACD is pending. Regardless of
    whether ACD is pending or completed, these are all considered the client
    have received the release from the server. Therefore, adapt the function
    `nm_dhcp_client_get_lease()` to control whether to get next or current
    nm-dhcp-client: add argument controlling whether to get next or current lease
    Wen Liang authored
    In the scenario for sending the release message, we need to guarantee
    that NM only sends the release message when the client received a lease
    from the server. However, there is some distinction between the
    `l3cd_curr` and `l3cd_next` when ACD is pending, because `l3cd_curr` is
    NULL but `l3cd_next` is not NULL when ACD is pending. Regardless of
    whether ACD is pending or completed, these are all considered the client
    have received the release from the server. Therefore, adapt the function
    `nm_dhcp_client_get_lease()` to control whether to get next or current