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  • Lubomir Rintel's avatar
    core: support IPv6 duplicate address detection · f85728ec
    Lubomir Rintel authored
    NMDevice detects the DAD failures by watching the removal of tentative
    addresses (happens for DAD of addresses with valid lifetime, typically
    discovered addresses) or changes to addresses with dadfailed flag (permanent
    addresses, typically link-local and manually configured addresses).
    It retries creation of link-local addresses itself and lets RDisc know about
    the rest so that it can decide if it's rdisc-managed address and retry
    with a new address.
    Currently NMDevice doesn't do anything useful about link-local address DAD
    failures -- it just fails the link-local address addition instead of just
    timing out, which happened before. RDisc just logs a warning and removes
    the address from the list.
    However, with RFC7217 stable privacy addresses the use of a different address
    and thus a recovery from DAD failures would be possible.