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  • Thomas Haller's avatar
    device: revert overruling NM_UNMANAGED_USER_SETTINGS decision · c210134b
    Thomas Haller authored
    Since commit 87a3df2e, the unmanaged
    flag NM_UNMANAGED_USER_SETTINGS could be overwritten via an explict
    user decision (NM_UNMANAGED_USER_EXPLICIT).
    It makes sense to allow user configuration from file to be changable
    by an explict user action via D-Bus at runtime.
    However, it also changes behavior for devices that are currently explicitly
    managed. Previously, a reload of the NM_UNMANAGED_USER_SETTINGS would
    immediately unmanaged the device:
      - for keyfile: send SIGHUP to reload NetworkManager.conf
      - for ifcfg-rh: `nmcli connection [re]load`
    So this change in behavior could negatively affect users who rely
    on being able to configure "NM_CONTROLLED=no" and expect to unmanaged
    the device immediately. Thus revert the change.
    Note that NM_UNMANAGED_USER_SETTINGS is anyway ugly and should be
      - for keyfile, why having the option "keyfile.unmanaged-devices"
        instead of a generic options?
      - for ifcfg-rh, why put per-device configuration in a per-connection
    The preferred way is to configure NM_UNMANAGED_USER_UDEV via
    "ENV{NM_UNMANAGED}". Maybe we should also add a new configuration
    scheme via NetworkManager.conf.