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  • Thomas Haller's avatar
    platform: add NMPlatformObjWithIfindex helper structure for handling NMPObject types · ac4a1deb
    Thomas Haller authored
    Until now, all implemented NMPObject types have an ifindex field (from
    links, addresses, routes, qdisc to tfilter).
    The NMPObject structure contains a union of all available types, that
    makes it easier to down-case from an NMPObject pointer to the actual
    The "object" field of NMPObject of type NMPlatformObject is the lowest
    common denominator.
    We will add NMPlatformRoutingRules (for policy routing rules). That type
    won't have an ifindex field.
    Hence, drop the "ifindex" field from NMPlatformObject type. But also add
    a new type NMPlatformObjWithIfindex, that can represent all types that
    have an ifindex.