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  • Thomas Haller's avatar
    CONTRIBUTING: clarify on the use/lack of curly braces around blocks · 9ab22dbc
    Thomas Haller authored
    This is the style we have ever since. Spell it out. With the difference
    that now single line statements may have braces.
    Recently we were already sloppy about allowing curly braces for single line
    statements. Maybe there was a point in that. Imagine you start with:
        if (condition)
            call(some, parameter);
    Afterwards you change the code so that the line becomes too long and
    clang-format wraps the line (requiring you to add braces):
        if (condition) {
    The problem now is that this diff is larger than it would have been, if
    you added curly braces from the start. Also, it means you have to go
    back and forth to add/remove these braces, as clang-format reformats the
    Also, if you have if-else-if blocks, then mixing multi line statements
    with single line statements is also cumbersome, because when something
    needs to change, the diff is may be larger (and the change more
    So it might be convenient to just always add the braces, and the
    documented style now allows for that.
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