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  • Thomas Haller's avatar
    device: inline nm_platform_ethtool_init_ring() function · 23d0a76b
    Thomas Haller authored
    nm_platform_ethtool_init_ring() only has one caller. It's simpler to
    drop the function and implement it at the only place where it is needed.
    Maybe there could be a place for a function to initialize NMEthtoolRingState,
    one option after the other. However, at the moment there is only one
    user, so don't implement it.
    This fixes various minor issues:
    - the function had a NMPlatform argument, although the argument
      is not used. Thus function merely operates on a NMEthtoolRingState
      instance and shouldn't have a nm_platform_*() name.
    - nm_platform_ethtool_init_ring() returned a boolean, but all
      code paths (except assertion failures) returned success.
    - as the function returned an error status, the caller was compelled
      to handle an error that could never happen.
    - the option was specified by name, although we already have a more
      efficient way to express the option: the NMEthtoolID. Also, the
      caller already needed to resolve the name to the NMEthtoolID, so
      there was no need to again lookup the ID by name.