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  • Beniamino Galvani's avatar
    build: meson: fix computing NM exported symbols · 19a718bc
    Beniamino Galvani authored
    The script didn't include all the symbols needed by plugins because
    libNetworkManager.a, as built by meson, doesn't include symbols from
    other static libraries that are linked in. Since we used
    libNetworkManager.a to know which symbols are potentiall available
    from NM, the result was an incomplete list.
    Unfortunately, the only way to include the whole static library is to
    create a dependency object and use 'link_whole', but this is only
    available in meson >= 0.46. Since 'link_whole' is available for
    executables in meson >= 0.40, create a fake executable and use that to
    enumerate symbols.
    Also add tests to check that plugins can be loaded correctly.
    Fixes: dfa2a2b4