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  • Thomas Haller's avatar
    libnm: implement nm_client_deactivate_connection() by using GDBusConnection directly · 0625f2c0
    Thomas Haller authored
    Eventually, I will refactor libnm to no longer use gdbus-codegen and
    no GDBusProxy. In preparation of that, we must stop using that
    As first step, change nm_client_deactivate_connection(). Note how this
    was done previously:
     - nm_client_deactivate_connection() calls nm_manager_deactivate_connection()
       - nmdbus_manager_call_deactivate_connection_sync() calls g_dbus_proxy_call_sync()
         - g_dbus_proxy_call_sync() calls g_dbus_connection_call_sync()
    Currently this is still a bit ugly, because NMClient doesn't directly
    track the GDBusConnection nor the name owner. Instead, we need to peel
    it out of the object manager. One day, that will all be nicer, but first
    get rid of gdbus-codegen.