Routing test cases
@thaller mentioned that we should ensure that these scenarios work, maybe they are already tested, if not, please add tests.
Given a host without a direct route to, when I add a route like ipv4.routes "" to a
profile for device net0 with NM, then the profile will activate successfully and ip route list
will show the route like " via" and ip route will show " dev net0".
Given a host without a direct route to, when I add a route like ipv4.routes "" to a profile for device net0 with NM, then the profile will activate successfully and ip route list
will show the route like "default via" and ip route show
will show a direct route like " dev net0".
Ideally, similar tests for IPv6 should be created.
@ffmancera this might have been broken by NetworkManager!1025 (closed) ([thaller] correction: NetworkManager!1022 (closed)).