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  • Marijn Suijten's avatar
    bluetooth: Report a2dp_source volume changes to the source device · 9297bde1
    Marijn Suijten authored
    Write the current volume to the `Volume` DBus property to keep the
    volume on the remote in sync.  Without this the remote device shows the
    wrong volume, and any attempts to change it will cause an unexpected
    jump when the local volume has also been adjusted.
    Thanks to prior investments to improve volume synchronization, setting
    up callbacks and sending initial volume to the peer for HFP/HSP
    implementing this feature is as easy as unconditionally assigning a
    valid function to `set_source_volume`.  `source_setup_volume_callback`
    is already responsible for attaching a `SOURCE_VOLUME_CHANGED` hook and
    sending initial (restored) volume to the peer (signifying support for
    Absolute Volume - if not derived from the presence of FEATURE_CATEGORY_2
    on the profile yet).