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Release 3.5.0

* Derive `Hash` for MessageType so it can be used as a key in hashmaps.
* Add API to represent match rules. These are used to subscribe to signals
* Add `fdo::DBusProxy::{add_match_rule,remove_match_rule}`, that are
  `{add_match,remove_match}` replacements that make the same
  underlying D-Bus calls but make use of the new `MatchRule` type. We also
  deprecate the `{add_match,remove_match}` to discourage use of these less
  type-safe versions.
* `ProxyBuilder::uncached_properties` sets given list Instead of
  appending. The usecase is for users to set it only once.
* `ObjectServer` should handle methods destined to unknown names if no
  names are registered. We were only doing this for p2p case but we should
  do this for bus case well. Otherwise it breaks things for folks who were
  using `fdo::DBusProxy::request_name` along with `ObjectServer` for any
* Bump zvariant requirement to latest release.